Thursday, August 28, 2008


The garden is now like "Where's Waldo" .... can you find the flower pots?? There are at least 7!


This coleus survived the rains! Coleus have no blossoms, just pretty colored leaves.I have moved flowering potted plants from my deck into the garden to give it some color. I'll be posting some photos of the "new potted plant garden." Please let me know what you think.


This is a nasturtium, that I grew from seed....truly amazing that it actually GREW!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Look at what's left of this pathetic little flower after the rains!


I posted my husband at the bird-feeder with the camera on a tripod to get the picture of this cute little Goldfinch. Look carefully, the little bird is the same color as the feeder!

Monday, August 11, 2008


WEEDS!! I went away on vacation for a few days and the little Salem Garden had to fend for itself. I bought a clock- timer to turn on the water for the hose, set it for twice a day and knew that the garden would be watered. I didn't know that it would also be raining while I was the hose came on and automatically watered while it was pouring rain! Not only a waste of water, but I guess the weeds loved it and completely took over. I've spent 2 days pulling out weeds, but I think this garden is a memory until next year. I'll be posting pictures of it throughout the Fall and Winter season for those of you lucky enough to have warm weather all year (so you can see what you are NOT missing).