Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Remembering this "Busy Bee" from last summer!

I thought I would post some summery photos from my Shady Summer Garden of August, 2008, so we can all remember what Summer used to look like. More storms are on their way...yuck!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Silly Pink Polka Dot plant!

This little plant looks like it was accidentally splashed with pink paint. It is good for a laugh.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This plant seems to be looking out the window at the snowstorm!

A cute little plant I bought a few weeks ago, and it is doing quite nicely near the window (and not in the snow covered garden outside) brrr!

We can pretend this pretty flower is in the snow covered garden...brrr!

Another foot of snow!!

The garden is buried under there somewhere...I can't take it anymore, so I am going to show some photos of my indoor garden. An indoor garden? Well, my plants and some flowers I bought.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Bottle of ice???

Can't figure out why the ice on this shrub looks like a bottle!! Can you see it?

Icey shrub

I traipsed through the snow and ice to get this photo of an evergreen shrub in my yard....brrrr!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mr. Cardinal having lunch!

This photo is slightly blurry, but this shot was taken through a window and the birds weren't cooperating, they were busy eating not posing for pictures.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Mum in Soapsuds!

Two weeks ago I bought a bouquet of mums, and they are still blooming. I was at the sink trimming the stems and this little flower fell into the sink and landed on the edge of a glass filled with you think it's as interesting a picture as I do??

A surprise blossom!

I am so desperate to see flowers on my blog in the middle of this cold dreary winter, so here is a photo of my small house plant named "pink polka dot plant". When I was watering it today I noticed the purple blossom...what a surprise that was, I didn't even know this plant ever had blossoms!